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FIRST® in Texas Foundation Now Accepting Applications for Robotics Team Grants


FIRST® in Texas Foundation is thrilled to announce that they are now accepting applications for team grants made possible by the Texas Workforce Commission, Dell, Freescale Foundation, 3M, and US FIRST® to support FIRST® Robotics teams throughout the state of Texas.

To qualify for funds, applicants must complete the application provided on the FIRST® in Texas Foundation grant application page, which is available as of 8:00 a.m. on August 25th, 2014.

Team grants are available from the following partners:

Texas Workforce Commission: The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) grant seeks applicants who promote outreach to Texas high schools, high schools serving military bases; and home school organizations. Teams with low socio-economic status and underrepresented students will be prioritized.  All student team members must be between 9th-12th grades living in the state of Texas.

Dell: The purpose of the Dell grant is to provide financial support to K-12FIRST® teams near the Dell campuses in Round Rock and Plano who would not otherwise be able to participate. Emphasis will be placed on teams from Title 1 schools with students who exhibit low socio-economic status.

Freescale Foundation:  Team grants from Freescale will be provided to K-12 FIRST® teams in the Austin and surrounding areas. The purpose of these grants is to promote STEM learning and inspire students from underrepresented or disadvantaged groups, especially women, to pursue STEM studies. 

3M: 3M is offering grants to veteran FIRST® Tech Challenge (FTC) and FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC) teams who demonstrate financial need. Teams from public schools in Central Texas are eligible.

USFIRST®: Grants provided by US FIRST® are the FIRST® Hardship Grant and the FIRST® LEGO Care for Education grant. Funds will be granted to rookie FIRST® Lego League (FLL) teams.

The deadline to apply for FTC and FLL teams is Sunday, October 5th. FRC and Jr. FLL applications close on Sunday, October 26th. For more information, visit the Frequently Asked Questions page.

About FIRST® in Texas Foundation:FIRST® in Texas Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation that supports FIRST® Robotics teams and events across Texas with a focus on increasing accessibility for low-income and underrepresented students. FIRST® participants are significantly more likely to attend college, major in science or engineering, and be outstanding future employees and citizens. By investing in Texas students’ participation in FIRST®, we address the growing demands of the STEM workforce.