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North: FTC – The Screamage

Marcus High School Roboplex 5705 Morriss Rd, Flower Mound

This is a pre-season event that is not a part of the official competition structure for the FTC season. Teams at this event can compete in a low-stakes environment ahead... View Article

North: FTC – WW Scrimmage

Woodrow Wilson High School @ Dallas ISD 100 S. Glasgow Dr., Dallas

This is a pre-season event that is not a part of the official competition structure for the FTC season. Teams at this event can compete in a low-stakes environment ahead... View Article

W&P: FTC-Lubbock-A Scrimmage

Talkington School for Young Women Leaders 415 N Ivory Ave, Lubbock

This is a pre-season event that is not a part of the official competition structure for the FTC season. Teams at this event can compete in a low-stakes environment ahead... View Article

W&P: FTC – Lubbock-B Scrimmage

Frenship High School 902 Dowden Rd, Wolfforth

This is a pre-season event that is not a part of the official competition structure for the FTC season. Teams at this event can compete in a low-stakes environment ahead... View Article

Central: FTC Volunteer Fiesta

JSTEM Academy 9695 Schaefer Rd., Converse

This will be a half day of training for volunteers followed by a scrimmage, where volunteers can get hands-on experience in a "no-fault' environment. We will have training opportunities for Referees, Inspectors, Judges, and general informational sessions. Volunteers: Please see the schedule for the day below for volunteers. Schedule             Register... View Article