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Carlos Hernandez

Texas Mentor


Carlos Hernandez serves as a Mentor for the FIRST in Texas South Area. He’s been involved with robotics and FIRST as both a student and mentor since 2013. Although he knew that he was learning valuable skills while on a FIRST Robotics Competition team, he truly saw the value of FIRST after he graduated and started volunteering and mentoring a team. In this role, he’s able to give STEM opportunities to students who otherwise wouldn’t have them. By spreading the mission of FIRST throughout his home area of the Rio Grande Valley, he hopes to see it grow and thrive as a hub for FIRST and STEM overall.

Carlos gradutated from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley in 2021 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Science. When he’s not worrying about robots, he works as a Senior Software engineer for Cognizant Technology Solutions. His early days of coding FRC robots continue to follow him into his day to day work, reminding him why FIRST is important.