Exciting updates from [first] Headquarters! Starting in 2017, the World Championships we all know and love will be expanding to 2 cities:
Following that year, the 2018 Championship will look similar:
We know that travel costs are difficult for teams to deal with, so we are so glad it is going to become easier for so many of our teams. Not only that, so many more teams will be able to experience the exciting atmosphere of World’s.
Ultimately, as the program grows, we continue to make progress on our mission to make robotics accessible to every Texas student. This will help that further. As [first] wrote in their letter:
This expansion initiative brings us closer to our overall goal of giving more students a chance to discover their passion for innovation and to explore leadership challenges that will prepare them for success in their education, careers, and lives.
Details are still being worked out, but stay tuned as we get closer to the events.